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Essay on galileo

Essay on galileo

essay on galileo

Italian astronomer, mathematician, physicist, and philosopher. Galileo is regarded as one of the greatest scientific thinkers of the Renaissance. His questioning of Aristotelian and Ptolemaic The Life and Work of Galileo Galileo Galilei is considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. He made life changing discoveries and mystified many with his knowledge. However, not all of his work was accepted well. Galileo challenged the church Essay on Galileo Galilei for School Students. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: Let us read about a famous sixteenth-century mathematician and astronomer who changed the very concept of our ‘world’—Galileo Galilee, the man who dared to tell the truth. There was once an Italian by the name of Galileo Galilee, who liked to sit by himself in a corner and make toys which could be worked by Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Galileo Galilei (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Galileo Galilei — has always played a key role in any history of science, as well as many histories of philosophy. He is a—if not the —central figure of the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. His role in promoting the Copernican theory and his travails and trials with the Roman Church are stories that still require re-telling. Galileo was born in Pisa on February 15, By the time he died on January 8, but for problems with the date, see Machamer b, 24—25he was as famous as any person in Europe.

Inthey resettled the family in Florence. As a boy, Galileo was tutored privately and, for a time, by the monks at Vallombrosa, where he considered a religious vocation and may have started a novitiate. He returned home, however, and then enrolled for a medical degree at the University of Pisa in He never completed this degree, but instead studied mathematics, notably with Ostilio Ricci, a mathematics teacher attached to the Tuscan court and the Florentine Accademia del Disegno.

After leaving university, Galileo worked as a private mathematics tutor around Florence and Siena and cultivated the support of leading mathematicians. He visited Christoph Clavius, professor at the Jesuit Collegio Romano, and corresponded with the engineer Guildobaldo del Monte, Marchese of Urbino, essay on galileo.

Inhe applied and was turned down for a professorship in Bologna, but a year later, with the help of Clavius and del Monte, he was appointed lecturer in mathematics at Pisa. Inhe obtained, at a much higher salary, a chair of mathematics at the University of Padua, in the Venetian Republic. Galileo also supplemented his income by producing a calculating instrument of his own design see Galilei and other devices in a household workshop, and by private tutoring and consulting on practical mathematics and engineering, essay on galileo.

During this period, he began a relationship with Marina Gamba, and their daughter Virginia was born in Inthey had another daughter, Livia, and a son, Vincenzo, in In Padua, Galileo worked out much of the mechanics he would essay on galileo later in life, and which constitute his primary lasting contribution to physical science.

Essay on galileo, these projects were interrupted inwhen Galileo heard about the recently invented spyglass, invented an improved telescope, and used it to make astounding celestial discoveries. He rushed these into print in Sidereus Nuncius Starry Messengerwhich appeared in March and launched Galileo onto the world stage. Among others, Johannes Kepler, Imperial Mathematician at Prague, lauded the work Kepler Clavius and his colleagues at the Collegio Romano confirmed its results and threw a celebratory banquet when Galileo visited in His daughters moved with him and were shortly placed in the convent of Saint Matthew at Arcetri, near Florence.

Vincenzo and his mother, Marina, were left behind in Venice. Once a courtier, essay on galileo, Galileo entered into several debates on scientific topics, essay on galileo. Inhe published a Discourse on Floating Bodiesand inLetters on Sunspotsessay on galileo, where he first openly expressed support for Copernican heliocentrism. In —14, Galileo entered into discussions of Copernicanism through his student Benedetto Castelli, and wrote a Letter to Castelli defending the doctrine from theological essay on galileo. Meanwhile, it had become known that Copernicanism was under scrutiny by Church authorities.

Galileo lectured and lobbied against its condemnation, expanding his Letter to Castelli into the widely circulated Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina in and travelling to Rome late that year. Galileo essay on galileo was essay on galileo to an audience with Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, a leading theologian and member of the Roman Inquisition, who admonished him not to teach or defend Copernican theory.

The details of this episode are far from straightforward, and remain disputed even today. See Shea and Artigas ; Fantoli InGalileo published The Assayerwhich deals with the essay on galileo of comets and argues they are sublunary phenomena. It also contains passages suggestive of atomism, essay on galileo, essay on galileo heretical doctrine, for which the book was referred to the Inquisition, essay on galileo dismissed the charge.

Galileo felt empowered to begin work on his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Printing was completed in Florence by February Shortly afterwards, the Inquisition banned its sale, and Galileo was ordered to Rome for trial. There is more about these events and their implications in the final section of essay on galileo article, Galileo and the Church. Inwhile Galileo was confined to his villa in Arcetri, his beloved eldest daughter died Sobel Around this time, he began work on his final book, Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Concerning Two New Sciencesbased on the mechanics he had developed early in his career.

The manuscript was smuggled out of Italy and published in Holland by the Elzeviers in Galileo died early inand due to his condemnation, his burial place was obscure until he was re-interred in More recently, J. Heilbron has written a magnificent biography, essay on galileo, Galileothat touches on all the multiple facets of his life.

He is essay on galileo for his discoveries: he was the first to report telescopic observations of the mountains on the moon, the moons of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, and the rings of Saturn, essay on galileo. He invented an early microscope and a predecessor to the thermometer. In mathematical physics—a discipline he helped create—he calculated the law of free fall, conceived of an inertial principle, determined the parabolic trajectory of projectiles, essay on galileo, and advocated the relativity of motion.

This is no small set of accomplishments for one seventeenth-century Italian, essay on galileo, who was the son of a court musician and who left the University of Pisa without a degree.

Momentous figures living in momentous times are full of interpretive fecundity, essay on galileo, and Galileo has been the subject of manifold interpretations and much controversy. Philosophically, Galileo has been used to exemplify many different themes, usually as a personification essay on galileo whatever the writer wished to make the hallmark of the Scientific Revolution or of the nature of good science—whatever was good about the new science or science in general, it was Galileo who started it.

More philosophically, many ask how his mathematical practice relates to his natural philosophy. Was he a mathematical Platonist Jardine ; Koyréan experimentalist Settle ; Settle ; Settle ; Palmierian Aristotelian emphasizing experience Geymonatessay on galileo, essay on galileo precursor of modern positivist science Drakeor maybe an Archimedean Machamer aessay on galileo, who might have used a revised Scholastic method of proof Wallace ; Miller ?

Or did he have no method and just fly like an eagle in the way that geniuses do Feyerabend ? Alongside these claims there have been attempts to place Galileo in an intellectual context that brings out the background to his achievements.

Still, almost everyone working in this tradition seems to think the three areas—physics, essay on galileo, astronomy, and methodology—are somewhat distinct and represent different Galilean endeavors.

More recent historical research has followed contemporary intellectual fashion and shifted foci, bringing new dimensions to our understanding of Galileo by studying his rhetoric Finocchiaro ; Moss ; Feldhay ; Spranzithe power structures of his social milieu Biagioli ; Biagiolihis personal quest for acknowledgment Shea and Artigasand more generally emphasizing the larger social and cultural history Reeves ; Bucciantini, et al.

In an intellectualist recidivist mode, this entry will outline his investigations in physics and astronomy and exhibit, essay on galileo, in a new way, how these all cohered in a unified inquiry. In setting out this path, we shall show why, at the end of his life, Galileo felt compelled in some sense of necessity to write the Two New Scienceswhich stands as a true completion of his overall project and is not just a reworking of his earlier research that he reverted to after his trial, when he was under house arrest and going blind.

Particularly, we shall try to show why both of the two new sciences, especially the first, essay on galileo, were so important—a topic not much treated except recently Essay on galileo ; Raphael In passing, we shall touch on his methodology and his mathematics, and here refer you to some of the recent work by Palmieri ; At the end, we shall add some words about Galileo, the Catholic Church, and his trial.

Galileo signaled this goal clearly when he left Padua in to return to Florence and the court of the Medici, essay on galileo. This was not just a status-affirming request, but also a reflection of his programmatic aims. What Galileo accomplished by the end of his life was a reasonably articulated replacement for the traditional set of analytical concepts connected with the Aristotelian tradition of natural philosophy.

His way of thinking became the way of the Scientific Revolution and yes, essay on galileo, there was such a revolution, essay on galileo, pace Shapin and others; see the selections in Lindberg and Westman ; Osler Some scholars might wish to describe what Galileo achieved in psychological terms, as an introduction of new mental models Essay on galileo or a new model of intelligibility Machamer ; Machamer, a; Adams, et al. In their place, he left only one element, corporeal matter, whose properties and motions he described using the mathematics of proportional relations typified by the Archimedian simple machines—the balance, the inclined plane, essay on galileo, and the lever—to which Galileo added the pendulum Machamer a; Machamer and Hepburn ; Palmieri In doing so, Galileo changed the acceptable way of talking about matter and its motion, and so ushered in the mechanical tradition that characterizes so much of modern science, even today.

See Dijksterhuis ; Machamer, et al, essay on galileo. Perhaps he did not realize that this was his grand project until the time he essay on galileo wrote the Two New Sciences in the mids. Despite working on problems of the nature of matter from onwards, he could not have written his final work much earlier than ; certainly not before the Starry Messenger ofand probably not before the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems of He had thought deeply about the nature of matter before and had tried to work out how best to describe matter, but beforehe did not have the theory and evidence he needed to support his claims about a unified, singular matter.

And this he did not accomplish until the Dialogue. Galileo began his critique of Aristotle in a treatise he drafted aroundtitled De Motu On Motion. For Aristotle, the matter of the terrestrial realm within the sphere of the moon is of four elemental kinds—earth, water, air, essay on galileo, and fire.

These possess two formal principles that give rise to their natural motion: heaviness gravitas ; in earth and water and lightness levitas ; in air and fire. Galileo, using an Archimedean model of floating bodies, and later the balance, argues that there is essay on galileo one principle of motion—heaviness. Bodies move upward not because they have a natural lightness, he says, but because they essay on galileo displaced or extruded by other heavier bodies moving downward.

So on his view, heaviness is the cause of all natural terrestrial motion. This move left Galileo with a problem: what is heaviness and how is it to be described? In De Motuhe argued that the moving essay on galileo of a balance could be used as a model for treating all problems of natural motion. In this model, heaviness is the proportionality of the weight of an object on one arm of the balance to the weight of another body on the other arm.

In essay on galileo context of floating bodies, heaviness is the weight of one body minus the weight of the essay on galileo. Galileo quickly realized these characterizations were insufficient, and so began to explore how heaviness might be related to specific gravities; i. He was trying to figure out the concept of heaviness that is characteristic of all matter.

What he failed to work out—and this was probably the reason why he never published De Motu —was this positive characterization of heaviness. There seemed to be no way to find a standard measure of heaviness that would work across different substances.

At this point, he did not have a useful replacement for Aristotelian gravitas. A while later, in his manuscript version of Le Meccaniche On MechanicsGalileo introduced the concept of momentoa quasi force that applies to a body at a moment, and which is somehow proportional to weight or specific gravity Galluzzi Still, he had no good way to measure or compare specific gravities of bodies of different kinds, and his notebooks during this early seventeenth-century period reflect his trying again and again to find a way to bring all matter under a single proportional measuring scale.

He tried to study acceleration along an inclined plane and to find a way to think of what changes acceleration brings to momento. Yet the details and categories of how to properly treat weight essay on galileo movement eluded him.

Galileo accepted, probably as early as the draft of Le Meccanichethat natural motions might be accelerated. Particularly in the cases of the pendulum, the inclined plane, free fall, and projectile motion, essay on galileo, Galileo must have observed that the speeds of bodies increase as they move downwards and, perhaps, do so naturally. But that accelerated motion is properly measured against time is an idea he realized only later, chiefly through his failure to find any satisfactory dependence on place and specific gravity, essay on galileo.

Also at this time, he began to think about percussive force. For many years, he thought that the correct science of these phenomena should describe how bodies change according to where they are on their paths. Specifically, it seemed that height is crucial. Since they generally work by establishing static equilibrium, time is not a feature of their action one would normally attend to.

In discussing a balance, for instance, one does not normally think about how fast an arm of the balance descends, nor how fast a body on the opposite arm is rising though Galileo does in his Postils to Rocco circa —45; see Palmieri

Galileo Galilei Biography in English - Father of Modern Science

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Galileo Essay | Bartleby

essay on galileo

Sep 26,  · Galileo: On easoning. "In question of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" (GALILEO). Galileo was a noted mathematician, astronomer, physicist, and philosopher (Drake ), who many regard as Essay on Galileo Galilei for School Students. Article Shared By. ADVERTISEMENTS: Let us read about a famous sixteenth-century mathematician and astronomer who changed the very concept of our ‘world’—Galileo Galilee, the man who dared to tell the truth. There was once an Italian by the name of Galileo Galilee, who liked to sit by himself in a corner and make toys which could be worked by Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Oct 21,  · May 5, by Essay Writer. Bertolt Brecht in his historical fiction, Life of Galileo, focuses in on the life, struggles and convictions of the famous 17th century scientist, Galileo Galilei. Brecht specifically uses the persecution of Galileo by the Catholic Church and the imagined discussions between Galileo and Andrea Sarti to raise questions about the role of the scientist in society

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